TF133 | Big Sky, MT

A note from the Task Force Director…

BSB Family and Donors,

We had the honor of beginning the winter programs on TF133 with some incredible men. We welcomed a diverse group of recipients from all different organizations. Sometimes early season skiing can be sparse and thin, but this year has been more than abundant! 

We started off day one skiing with far better-than-expected snow conditions, and everyone had a blast and excelled. There was significant progression in my group, ranging from a guy who had zero days on skis to a couple of the recipients skiing off the tram. Snowmobile day was one never to forget. The amount of fresh snow we had to fight through proved humbling. This group is always up for a good physical and mental challenge, and our snowmobile day delivered!

Evenings were spent around the kitchen laughing, storytelling, and talking about families and other points of interest. This group bonded quickly, and that allowed us to engage more in-depth. The conversations flowed well, and everyone in the group opened up about their positives and struggles throughout their lives. 

We began as strangers greeting each other cautiously at the airport and ending the week in arms, planning for when we could meet up next!  

Thank you to the wonderful staff at BSB for a streamlined and smooth week. And thank you to the two volunteers who gave it their all: Seth Thomas and Sean Niquette. I could not have been so successful without you.

Sam Maschino
TF133 Director

Volunteers to Thank:

  • Sam Maschino (Task Force Director)

  • Seth Thomas (Assistant Task Force Director)

  • Sean Niquette

Patriots to Thank:

  • Canyon Adventures

  • Big Sky Resort

  • Lone Mountain Ranch

  • Outdoor Research

  • PEAK Skis

  • East Slope Outfitters

  • Braza

  • FlasKap

  • Melissa Ferraro

  • Anthem Snacks, LMNT, Wild Society Coffee

“The week was something I’ll never forget, and I’m incredibly thankful to the donors & volunteers who made it possible. From the moment our Task Force started everything -equipment/food/lodging- was taken care of for us, and

the amount of decompression that allowed was unparalleled to anything I had experienced while in the military.

Our Task Force’s week was the first time I had felt I had been allowed to get completely away from work, and not have part of my mind focused on upcoming training, deployments, or answering calls/texts. I’m also thankful that BSB allowed me the opportunity to connect with some amazing individuals who I had deployed alongside previously, but never had the chance to get to know outside of work.

As I go back to my unit, I’m stoked to spread the word and get some teammates out to the program who are long overdue for it.


“BSB was the antidote I didn’t think I needed.

After getting home from an amazing week I was a different person. My wife noticed it immediately. It was like 16 years of stress and constantly being “turned on” melted away. The last few years have been especially difficult with the loss of teammates and an extremely stressful schedule. I did what we all do and just pressed on. What I didn’t realize is how much this affected me and my relationships. Everything was a mission, get it done and move on to the next. Which is great, except when you’re talking about relationships with your kids and spouse. Those require being present and in the moment. One thing that was immediately apparent was that I didn’t really know what “decompressing” meant and I didn’t know how. I wrote that down the first night there, because I felt it immediately, and the feeling just continued throughout the week.

After getting back from BSB all I could say is I “just felt good”. Like an indescribable good.

I was present, I could have a conversation or spend time with my kids without being distracted about what was next. I learned a lot and had clarity that I hadn’t experienced in a long time.

BSB changed the way I will spend time with my family

and most importantly showed me that it’s possible to get out of that “just press on” mentality. Even more impressive was just how much BSB cares about the recipients and their mission. It’s pure and genuine. On one of their t-shirts it has the slogan “our heroes, our responsibility”, and there’s not a better way to describe the experience.

Often times veteran organizations can come off as cheesy or have an alternative motive. BSB could not be farther from that.

From minute 1 to getting dropped off at the airport, everything was sincere. The format BSB has developed for the TF’s is the secret sauce. The perfect amount of fun, reflection, relationship building, everything. It’s truly incredible and I feel extremely lucky to be a part of this group. I honestly can’t think of a more impactful experience that I’ve had in such a short time.

My first thoughts about going to BSB was that it was just going to be a “fun” week, and it turned out to be way more than that. The only thing I made sure to do was come with an open mind. BSB took care of the rest and gave me an unforgettable experience and new friendships.

Another reflection was how long the week felt. In a good way. I think it was because it’s the one time my mind has been able to be clear and not constantly thinking 10 steps ahead.


“My time at Big Sky Bravery was a tremendous blessing. As it were, I believe it came at the perfect time for me both personally and professionally.

As a result of my time in the program, I have gained a new sense of hope and encouragement that the community I enjoy being a part of exists beyond the job.

Equally encouraging and humbling was the generosity of the donors that clearly make all of our experiences possible.

How great it is to see that there are such great Americans who find us worthy enough and show their appreciation for us through that generosity.

I hope that I too will be able to give back in the future to this program any way I can. 

Thank you,


FTF12 | FTF13 | FTF14


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