TF107 | Big Sky, MT


Dear Patriots,

We began our exceptional week together on Monday, as opposed to the traditional Sunday, due to a simultaneous task force operating in Big Sky. That extra day gave us the opportunity to take advantage of mother nature’s gift of inbound snow -- very welcome after a mild fall and early winter in the area.

We were up and out early Tuesday morning, comprised of two experienced snowboarders and three novice skiers, in addition to four volunteers. The skiers in the group spent Monday with Jim Mikulich, an extremely talented Big Sky ski instructor and patriot, while the snowboarders spun off to begin exploring Swift Current. 

This first day on the mountain set the foundation for the remainder of the week. 

By lunchtime on Wednesday, the snowboarders had explored Moonlight basin, which had received 9 inches of fresh powder overnight, while the skiers had advanced so rapidly that they were ready to ski as a complete group from the Big Sky sign off Swift Current. 

It’s important to call out how incredibly impressive this is -- these skiers went from never having downhill skied to conquering greens and blues, after just one day of lessons. This is a testament to the physical and mental capabilities these exceptional gentlemen possess.

On Thursday morning, the group was up and out early, headed deep into the backcountry on snowmobiles provided by Canyon Adventures and lead by Mark, head of Big Sky search and rescue. The day included endless opportunities to explore Lee Metcalf wilderness area while powering through chest deep powder. The day ended with a magical horse drawn sleigh ride into the woods to a kerosene lamp dinner at Lone Mountain Ranch. 

Our last day together was spent on the slopes during the coldest day of the week, topping out at -15°F. Despite the cold temps, the group skied well into the afternoon and enjoyed our final day together. 

It’s hard to express the unique opportunity for camaraderie and deep relationships that Big Sky Bravery creates amongst the volunteers and recipients. I can’t thank our group enough, both recipients and volunteers, for being open minded and going all-in for a life changing week in Big Sky country.

A special thanks for the donors that make it all possible. 


Adam Callinan
107 Task Force Director


  • Adam Callinan [Task Force Director]

  • Ron Culver

  • Jake Kauffman

  • Kevin Swain


  • Marci Gehring [Task Force meals, etc./Catering]

  • Melissa Culver [Chocolate Chip Cookies]

  • Ed Hake/Canyon Adventures [Snowmobiles, gear, and lunch]

  • Big Sky Resort [Discounted lift tickets]

  • Jim Mikulich [Discounted ski instruction]

  • Peak Skis [Ski rentals]

  • Big Sky Natural Health [Discounted IV Therapy]

  • ANTHEM Snacks & Wild Society Coffee [welcome bag donation items]

“My week at Big Sky Bravery (BSB) Task Force (TF) 107 was an unforgettable experience. The breathtaking beauty of the snow-covered mountains served as the perfect location for an exhilarating week of snowboarding and snowmobiling. The volunteers and welcoming BSB staff made me feel like part of the BSB family from the moment I arrived.

What an amazing culture this organization has built.

I was instantly drawn to be a part of this family. Not only did we enjoy thrilling outdoor activities, but the sense of camaraderie and support among the volunteers and fellow recipients made this trip truly special. It was a week filled with adventure, personal growth, lasting memories, and friendships that I will cherish for a lifetime. The nightly conversations among our cohort were stressful yet cathartic. Thank you, Big Sky Bravery, for an incredible experience that was life-altering.

A special thank you to Adam, Ron, Kevin, and Jake, our volunteers. Each of you are truly exceptional Americans and are the magic sauce who made this memorable. No doubt you guys were the center of gravity that made this TF so special. Together, you connected with each recipient, it was amazing how quickly the team felt connected. Each of you brings your own energy that is contagious, it is authentic and motivating. Embedding with SOF Veterans is daunting, your passion and dedication towards BSB's mission is undeniable and admirable. Thank you for sharing your stories, I found inspiration in each. 

Thank you to the donors, for the first time in 28 years I have felt my service and sacrifice has meant something to somebody.

Our daily excursions were epic, but the people made the experience world-class. Marcie's food cannot be understated, it was home cooking at its finest made with care and passion. Ed donated the snowmobiles and equipment. He was a wonderful charismatic person sharing stories and a toast with our group. Mark led the snowmobile trek, while Leider chased down our wayward Operators straying from the pack. The bonfire and banter during lunch was awesome.   

By the end of the first day my anxiety was much lower and I knew we were in for an epic week. By the end of day two I had a clearer head and felt a tremendous connection with both the land and people. I was able to reflect on where I have been and where I desire to go with a calm demeanor. The rest of the week just kept getting better and I am very fortunate to have been able to participate in this special program. Thank you BSB for this wonderful opportunity, I hope to become a volunteer. This experience had a tremendous impact on me, so much so that I have a deep desire to share with others so that they may feel the same. 

Thank you,


“I really didn't know what to expect for the BSB experience other than I'd heard it was an amazing and great experience and it truly was.

The BSB program is very well run and organized. The coordination from the beginning was superb. The email follow-ups, instructions, and packing list were excellent.

I could feel stressors being lifted in the van ride from Bozeman to Big Sky.

The length of the program is good and the location allows for decompression from the beginning. I felt better even with the short van ride taking in the scenery of snow-covered mountains and the streams. Having the meals prepared and ready in the evening was great. Our volunteers made the meals more personable by adding a twist with cooking meat over on a salt block. Attendees were willing to help with house chores, but it was apparent it was not needed or wanted. This was a nice gesture.

Volunteers- hands down amazing!! They all came from different walks of life but shared one common theme: they were fully there for the guys. They were there because they really wanted to share the time and experiences with the attendees which made the whole experience so good. The feeling that I took away was the volunteers really wanted to care for the guys and give back in anyway they could. Adam, Ron, Kevin, and Jake, thank you so much! You all are amazing people!

It was great to meet these amazing volunteers. It was great to hear they stay in contact with previous TFs and continue to make lifelong friends. Also the open invitation to come back out to share in BSB equities in the future, but also to connect individually with the volunteers for guided hunts, fishing trips, and mentorship. Mentorship was huge since all the volunteers were versed in different civilian sectors. This was good for guys at varying stages within their military career and provided an opportunity to provide good mentorship on what life after the military will be like.

I am feeling much more de-compressed and balanced again. It really did renew a spirit of drive that had gone dull for me personally for some time.

I was swallowed in work and everything that is to come with transitioning out of the military in the next year and half.

I meet some genuine people and hopefully lifelong friends that I can relate to outside of my day-to-day life. It's difficult to meet people that genuinely understand the struggles of SOF/ military. Most people say they care, but it seems to be on the topical level. Our BSB volunteers showed a really good understanding of the struggles of the attendees. Maybe this was through other BSB TF experience and through genuine care for the guys.

I feel closer to the guys that I've worked with for many years. I feel we all grew much closer together through the nightly guided talks. The BSB environment made the talks occur naturally that otherwise wouldn't have most likely occurred during deployments or even at home.

Adam, Ron, Kevin, and Jake, I had an amazing time. BSB came at a great time in my life for me. I really needed the time away and feel much more suited for the day-to-day. I feel much more set for what's to come afterwards. You guys are rockstars and I can't express how great I am to have met and spent the last week with ya'll.  I hope to stay in close contact and share more experiences with everyone in the future. My house is always open to any of you if you're in my neck of the woods. 

Thank you sincerely,


“BSB is a fantastic program, offering an incredible grounding experiencE.

BSB is led by selfless volunteers who dedicate their full time and energy to giving back to Special Operations Service Members. During the TF we were presented with new opportunities and experiences that allowed us to push ourselves physically and mentally, helping us center and ground ourselves. This was an extremely important experience for myself and the others in our TF, as

we do not often have the opportunity to fully understand and reflect on the toll our profession takes on our families and ourselves.

The volunteers demonstrated exceptional professionalism and dedication, ensuring that our TF was taken care of and any needed support was executed flawlessly. I will never forget my time on this TF and will cherish the memories and experiences.

BSB is a national treasure that I hope continues well into the future, providing outstanding and much-needed support to our Special Operations community. 


“Attending a BSB Task Force was nothing short of transformative.

Insightful sessions around the dinner table provided the appropriate space for self-discovery and growth. Coupled with the environment Montana offers, I found myself renewed - say nothing for the fact that I arrived with the firm belief that I of all people didn’t need to be renewed. 

I thought I had seen or experienced it all in terms of military/veteran retreats focused on comradery until I saw the contrast brought on by BSB and a unique blend of phenomenal volunteer support, mindful self-reflection, and the power of nature and outdoor activities.  BSB fostered an even greater sense of community within an already close-knit population of SOF personnel. Bonds formed are going to extend well beyond the Task Force. 

BSB is not just a getaway. It is a much-needed sanctuary of empathy and rejuvenation for men and women who sometimes need a reminder of just how amazing America and some Americans can be.


“This winter Task Force (TF) was an experience that I will cherish and will drive me to embody the motto “Give more than you take”.  Big Sky, Montana in the winter is beautiful and our group thoroughly enjoyed the winter sports the mountains offered.  The amazing ski instructor, Jim, took me from the bunny tunnels to the double green, with hints of blue, slopes of Big Sky. I hope to show my family this amazing sport and pass on what Jim, Kevin, Ron, and Jeremy showed me to be successful on the hills. As much fun as we had during the day, my most important lessons came at the end of the day.  

BSB creates an amazing experience that gave me a chance to take a thoughtful look at myself. I came to BSB towards the end of my military service with many experiences that created a guarded personality.  Having this character trait is not necessarily bad, but in an intimate setting where the goal is to share it proved debilitating. I have made it this far trained not to trust, not to rely on others, and keep those you care for the most protected. Now while I won’t overcome all these issues in 5 days, BSB provided a guided path to explore yourself with others with their own mountains to climb.  

Adam, Kevin, Ron, and Jake, our BSB volunteer team, walked us through the question of the day.  I could have blown off the questions and deflect with sarcasm and humor, and if you ask the psychs at home that is my go-to defense mechanism, but I gave myself a goal. The goal was to build my network by getting to know people earnestly and see if I could develop a sincere relationship. I got halfway there. As simple as answering a question sounds, the simple personal questions triggered physical reactions that I wasn’t prepared to handle. I worked on myself over the 5 days, I even readdressed a question the next day because I knew I didn’t give a thoughtful answer. Knowing that I have trouble in intimate personal interactions where sincerity and honesty are required is the best takeaway from this program. I hope I can build deeper friendships with people in the future, I hope I can reach out to this TF group and continue to learn from them, but mostly I hope they know that if any of the volunteers or participants need anything that I am a person that will do my best to help them. “Give more than you take” I look forward to the opportunity to embody that motto.

Thank you for everything,



Matt Hoskins | Volunteer Spotlight


TF106 | Big Sky, MT