Family Task force 15
Patriots to Thank:
The Anderson Family
Big Sky Resort
“Upon arrival, I received some tragic news regarding a family member while initiating the FTF. Though not exactly what we intended this time to be, this opportunity allowed me (selfishly) the time needed to reflect, mourn, and celebrate my oldest brother. He was a fellow SOF warrior who loved Montana. He first exposed me to this region over 20 years ago as I drove out west with him for the first time.
My brother was a legend to me and one who, had this organization been available 20 years ago, would have been a prime candidate to attend due to services rendered to this nation and, honestly, the need that only BSB provides.
This news shifted focus from a dedicated husband and wife moment to that of a trusted partner supporting her husband in time of desperate need. Though she will never fully know how important this moment was, it allowed for at least one-half of the relationship to display selflessness and compassion.
Like so many who have experienced the generosity of this organization and its donors, I didn’t know I needed the help until their support had already helped me navigate through the worst of it.
I cannot thank each of you enough for this moment to appreciate something good and pure in an environment and moment that was tragically beautiful. This opportunity made me appreciate life, my partner, and how fortunate I am in this world.
“The FTF nomination alone gave us something to look forward to as a couple.
This FTF is a testament to how BSB prioritizes the continued care of those they fold into the BSB family.
Although there never seems to be good time for my husband and I to get away and focus on just each other, both serving in a rather fast-paced SOF community, BSB continued connection with us, and gave us this time to find each other as husband and wife.