Big Sky Bravery

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Volunteer Spotlight | BJ O'Hare


This month’s volunteer: BJ O’Hare

How long have you been volunteering for BSB?

I’ve been volunteering for BSB for about 3 years. I’ve done 3 female programs each summer since 2020.

Why do you volunteer for BSB?

My brother-in-law, Dustin Barber, has been involved with BSB for some time and whenever we would get together, he always had stories of meeting some amazing men and how he was trying to make a positive impact on their lives. I had wanted to learn more about military life and be able to gain perspective about what these people are going through. Giving a week of my time to people that serve or that are back home taking care of family, is the least I can do for them.

Also, the state of Montana is truly the Big Sky and one of the most beautiful places to visit. It has a way of taking your breath away, whether it’s the 360 degree view of the mountains, the brisk cold air in the winter, or the gazillion stars in the night sky, it can help heal your mind, body, and spirit with just one visit and is the perfect place as BSB’s home base.

So giving back to those that serve and doing it in Montana…I am all in!

What has been your favorite/most impactful moment since being involved with BSB?

There are so many favorite and impactful moments of being involved with BSB that it’s hard to narrow it down but I would say the friendships created, perseverance I’ve witnessed, and learning about stories of bravery. I’m awestruck by these heroes.

At each Task Force I’ve done, there has always been someone that has pushed themselves to do something they’ve never done before. It’s inspiring to watch it in real time. They come out feeling proud and usually with a smile and sometimes there’s even laughter. It’s given me courage to keep trying when something seems hard at work or at home.

I’ve found lifelong friendships with incredible women. We’ve laughed. We’ve cried. We’ve sang. We’ve danced. And then we’ve laughed again.

How does our motto: "GIVE MORE THAN YOU TAKE" apply to your life?

I try to live the BSB motto to “give more than I take” during each Task Force week but also outside of that when I’m home back in Seattle. There are a lot of people in this world that need help so I try to do my part by taking action and doing something about it. Volunteering gives perspective so in addition to volunteering for BSB, my 15 year old son and I recently joined an organization called Young Men’s Service League where we get to volunteer together for our local community in the Seattle area where we help out with things such as cleaning at the Ronald McDonald House (a temporary housing facility for families with children who have cancer and that is close to the hospital for them to easily get to each day).

What is your job title (outside of BSB)?

I’ve got a lot of jobs and I love them all. I’m a Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, and I’m also a Director at Microsoft within the Worldwide Learning organization and lead a team that helps improve our technical skilling programs for our Azure customers which help their employees learn how to use our cloud solutions and so they can be successful in their jobs.

Finish this sentence: “When I’m not volunteering with BSB, you’ll find me….”

When I’m not volunteering with BSB, you’ll find me giving my husband of 18 years and two teenage boys a hard time. Being sarcastic with them, laughing with them, and teaching our boys about “how to become contributing members of society.” These are things that teach them life skills such as how to clean a bathroom, how to manage a budget, and most recently teaching my oldest how to drive. As a family, we like to mountain bike, ski, hike, or hang out on the couch while watching a movie. I also love to run outside. The fresh air and steady pace helps me to take a break and enjoy the outdoors.

Thank you to all my Task Force ladies (participants and volunteers!) that have forever changed my life. You are strong, brave, and bad a@@. All of you.

Thank you to Big Sky Bravery for entrusting me as a volunteer to show these special people a good time, provide them community, and make a positive impact on their lives.