Big Sky Bravery

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Volunteer Spotlight | Blake Dobson

Big Sky Bravery wouldn't be what it is today without the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. To celebrate their generosity & introduce you to some incredible individuals, we invite you to read our monthly Volunteer Spotlight!

This month’s volunteer: Blake Dobson

I have been volunteering with Big Sky Bravery since 2016. I first started to volunteer because I believed in the mission and wanted to give back in some way to the men and women who have sacrificed so much. As time has passed and the organization has flourished, I realize it is for so many reasons that I continue to volunteer my time.

The men & women BSB serves and that make up the BSB family are some of the best people I have had the pleasure of knowing and am lucky enough to call my friends. They continue to inspire me to be better and have touched my soul to the core. I hope that I may continue to give myself to the mission for many years to come.

Every year and every Task Force have left strong impressions on my memory, some full of joy and laughter, some sadness and pain, some pure admiration and love, others adrenaline, excitement, and many moments of pure contentment and fulfillment. To pick a favorite moment would be impossible, but the nights around the table or a fire after an exhilarating day in the mountains are my favorite moments.

Big Sky Bravery’s motto, “Give More Than You Take”, is a motto that instills a sense of generosity and compassion in my life. It reminds me to lead with my heart. Like Christmas morning, opening presents is amazing, but the joy of watching a loved one open the perfect gift is even better.

Outside of BSB, I make my living running Dobson & Dehn Contracting with my business partner, Jeff. Most days you’ll find us swinging hammers and reinventing spaces for our clients across the Gallatin Valley. When I’m not volunteering or working, you’ll find me spending time with my family & friends, soaking up the beauty of Montana’s great outdoors!