Big Sky Bravery

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New Board Member | Patrick Doyle

We are beyond humbled to announce the new member of the Big Sky Bravery Board, Patrick Doyle.

Patrick is the former CEO of Domino’s Pizza, the current Board Chairman of Best Buy, and an Executive Partner at The Carlyle Group.

Patrick’s time as the CEO of Domino’s was notable for its transformation into the clear digital and technology leader in the restaurant industry. He was also known for dramatically improving the quality of their pizza and relaunching the new pizza with a notably honest advertising campaign, in which he personally acknowledged that their pizza hadn't been very good and they were committed to doing better.

Over his tenure as CEO, investors in the company’s stock made a return on their investment of nearly 25x, one of the best returns in the stock market. More importantly, their owner/operators were generating nearly triple the profits from their restaurants.

Patrick earned a B.A. in economics from the University of Michigan and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago.

Patrick grew up with a father and multiple uncles who all served their country in the military. This created a deep respect for those who keep our country and its inhabitants safe. Not having served himself, he is honored to be able to serve those who give all and ask for nothing in return.

His involvement with Big Sky Bravery is an opportunity to help Special Operations Forces connect with a community of their peers in a way that is incredibly beneficial for them personally, as well as their families. He also wants these individuals to know there are many patriots out there that are grateful for their personal sacrifices.

Patrick and his wife, Techy, spend much of their time in Montana and feel blessed to have found this extraordinary state.

Please help us welcome Patrick to the Board and thank him for his dedication to this country, our active duty SOF community, and Big Sky Bravery.

Patrick, welcome to the family. We’re thrilled to have you!